Toodete jaemüügipakendid
1. General
1.1 The following Conditions of Use apply when visiting the NNZ website and engaging with the information contained therein, including all data, files and source codes. Visitors to this website who do not intend to observe the Conditions of Use are not permitted to use the website and the services and special promotions offered by NNZ.
1.2 NNZ retains the right to modify or change the Conditions of Use unilaterally and without prior warning. NNZ shall inform the visitor of any alterations or changes through a notice on this website’s home page.
2. Copyright and user rights
2.1 Unless indicated to the contrary, NNZ retains all rights, including all intellectual property rights, to this website and the information contained therein, including all data, files and source codes.
2.2 Only the visitor is permitted to browse this website and reproduce the information contained therein for personal use by printing or downloading to a hard drive or a diskette, within the restrictions laid down in relevant legislation.
2.3 Non of the information on this website, including all data, files and source codes, may be altered in any way whatsoever and neither may illustrations be used separate to the text. No single part of this website may be stored or reproduced in another website nor be framed.
2.4 Neither the visitor nor any third party may create a link, deep link or gateway between this website and any other website, (meta) search engine or computer network, other than through a hyperlink, without NNZ’s prior written permission.
2.5 No other use is permitted than that indicated above. All rights not expressly granted in these Conditions of Use are reserved.
3. Disclaimer
3.1 Although NNZ aims to ensure that the information on its website is correct, NNZ can offer no guarantee whatsoever with regard to the validity and completeness of this information or this website.
3.2 Visitors are responsible for the use of all information on this website and must assess the validity and completeness of this information for themselves.
3.3 NNZ is not liable for any damage resulting from:
(a) the use or contents of the website or information contained therein;
(b) the use or contents on any website to which this website links or on any website which links to this website;
(c) infringement to the rights of third parties resulting from (the use of) this website or the information contained therein.
The above does not apply if damage results from the wilful intent or gross negligence of NNZ.
3.4 If agreements are made between the visitor and third parties via this website, NNZ will not be involved in such transactions in any way whatsoever. These Conditions of Use do not apply to such transactions and neither is NNZ liable in any way whatsoever for damage resulting from such transactions or related consequences.
3.5 Although NNZ aims to ensure 24hr access to this website, NNZ shall not be liable for damage resulting from this website being off-line for whatever reason. Access to this website may be temporarily or permanently suspended without prior warning. NNZ has the right at all times and without stating the reasons to deny any visitor or third party access to this website and retains the right to employ technical services to enforce this. NNZ is not liable for any damage resulting from this.
4. Equipment
4.1 The visitor is responsible for acquiring, using and maintaining all telephony, computer hardware and other equipment required for visiting and using this website. NNZ is not liable for damage to the visitor’s equipment caused by visiting or using this website.
5. Personal information
5.1 During a visit to this website, personal information relating to the visitor may be collected and processed by NNZ. Information regarding the collection and processing of this personal information can be found in NNZ’s Privacy Statement.
6. Applicable law and disputes
6.1 Dutch law takes precedent with respect to these Conditions of Use and every (other) agreement between the visitor and NNZ. Disputes not settled by mutual agreement shall be decided by a competent judge in Groningen, The Netherlands. This does not affect a visitor’s right of appeal to local or international law or conventions, only in so far as these are imperative legal provisions applicable to the relationship between NNZ and the visitor.
6.2 The visitor is responsible for observing the applicable legislation of the country in which the website is visited.
6.3 If these Conditions of Use prove to be partially or entirely non-binding or reversible, parties are expected to have agreed upon a relevant settlement that in intent and function is most in keeping with the (part of these) Conditions of Use that have been annulled or reversed and that do not justify this annulment or reversal.
6.4 These Conditions of Use were originally compiled in Dutch. The Dutch text therefore has legal precedence.
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Neid küpsiseid kasutatakse veebisaidi jõudluse ja funktsionaalsuse optimeerimiseks. Need küpsised ei ole veebisaidi sirvimisel hädavajalikud. Siiski on võimalik, et teatud veebisaidi elemendid ei tööta korralikult ilma küpsisteta.
Need küpsised koguvad andmeid, mida kasutame selleks, et mõista, kuidas meie veebisaiti kasutatakse ja tajutakse. Need küpsised aitavad meil ka veebisaiti kliendi parima kasutuskogemuse saavutamiseks optimeerida.
Need küpsised võimaldavad reklaamivõrgustikel jälgida teie veebikäitumist, et saaksime kuvada asjakohaseid reklaame teie huvide ja veebikäitumise põhjal. Need küpsised takistavad ka samade reklaamide näitamist ikka ja jälle.