
NNZ supports EU Green Deal with sustainable packaging solutions

NNZ is proud to support the EU Green Deal by offering sustainable packaging solutions for big bags. As part of our commitment to the circular economy, we prioritize the 3 R principle and encourage the use of recycled materials and multi-trip FIBC.

To help our customers make informed decisions, NNZ developed the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) tool which provides fact-based insights into the environmental impact of packaging choices. Our take-away: using multi-trip bulk bags is way more beneficial to carbon footprint than using recycled materials!

Let’s work together to create a more sustainable future!

2021 Collega’s In Pand Libau (1)
Innovation at NNZ means developing a sustainable packaging portfolio for you, using our fact based #Rethink method guided by a Reinvent, Redesign, Research and Recycle approach.
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